Polkadot Extrinsic

Extrinsic is a piece of data from external world that proposed to be a part of blockchain. Generally exist two kinds of extrinsics: unsigned (inherents) and signed (transactions).

Lets try to send Polkadot transaction with runWeb3' function using ghci.

> import Network.Web3.Provider
> import Network.Polkadot

The first, let’s create new one account.

> me <- generate :: IO Ed25519
> multi_signer me

Where Ed25519 generated and its Base58 encoded address printed out. I’ve use multi_signer wrapper because of MultiAddress format used in Polkadot.

The next, let’s make a call structure that encodes function arguments and parameters required for Polkadot runtime dispatcher.

> let Right alice = from_ss58check "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"
> Right myCall <- runWeb3' (WsProvider "" 9944) $ new_call "Balances" "transfer" (MaId alice, Compact 200000000000000)
> myCall
Call 0 5 (MaId 0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d, Compact 200000000000000)

Where alice is transfer destination account on chain, from_ss58check decodes it from Base58 and pack into AccountId type. It also should be wrapped in call arguments into MultiAddress type using MaId constructor. The new_call function gets module name, function name, arguments tuple and returns encodable structure for Polkadot runtime dispatcher.

Next step is signing the call and other extrinsic related staff like lifetime, nonce and etc. Fortunately, Haskell Web3 has sign_and_send function that makes it automatically.

> Right myTx <- runWeb3' (WsProvider "" 9944) $ sign_and_send me myCall 0
> myTx

The sign_and_send function gets crypto pair to sign extrinsic, the call structure and tips amount (zero is acceptable in general case). If everything ok then you will get transaction hash as result.


More usage details available in Polkadot example app.